The solution file can be output as a CSV file. I have written a script to convert this CSV file to the competition format. Usually, I would have used Python, but that would not have been interesting, so I implemented it here as a project for the Schedule Nurse. This project is a dummy project, and the constraints are meaningless. What is meaningful is post_main(), which is executed as a post-process.
import win32gui, win32con, os import csv def get_day_str(day): if day==0: return "Mon" elif day==1: return "Tue" elif day==2: return "Wed" elif day==3: return "Thu" elif day==4: return "Fri" elif day==5: return "Sat" elif day==6: return "Sun" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported Day!") def get_shift_name(label): if label=='D': return "Day" elif label=='N': return "Night" elif label=='L': return "Late" elif label=='E': return "Early" else : raise ValueError("Unsupported Shift!") def get_task_name(label): if label=='He': return "HeadNurse" elif label=='Nu': return "Nurse" elif label=='Ca': return "Caretaker" elif label=='Tr': return "Trainee" else : raise ValueError("Unsupported Shift!") def make_weeks_data(lst,fname): persons=int((len(lst)-3)/2) items=len(lst[0]) print('items=',items) name="" phases=3 weeks=4 start_row=2 print('persons=',persons) if items==107: phases=3 weeks=4 elif items==254: phases=4 weeks=8 elif items==142: phases=4 weeks=4 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported Items!") start_day=2+phases*7 for week in range(weeks): w_str="" file_name = "sol-week" + str(week) + ".txt"; assigned=0 for person in range(persons): #print(person) #print(lst[person*2+2][0]) name=lst[person*2+start_row][0] print(name) for day in range(7): shift=lst[person*2+start_row][week*7*phases+day*phases+start_day] if shift=='O' or shift=='': continue for ph in range(phases): task=lst[person*2+1+start_row][week*7*phases+day*phases+start_day+ph] if task !='': w_str+=name +' '+get_day_str(day)+' '+get_shift_name(shift) +' '+get_task_name(task)+'\n' break assigned +=1 Wstr="SOLUTION\n"; Wstr+=str(week)+' '+ fname[0:6]+ "\n\n"; Wstr+="ASSIGNMENTS = "+ str(assigned) +"\n"; Wstr+=w_str f1 = open(file_name, 'w') f1.write(Wstr) f1.close() print(file_name,Wstr) def post_main_sub(): # try: filter='csv\0*.csv\0' customfilter='Other file types\0*.*\0' fname, customfilter, flags=win32gui.GetOpenFileNameW( InitialDir=project_file_path, #os.environ['temp'], Flags=win32con.OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT|win32con.OFN_EXPLORER, File='somefilename', DefExt='csv', Title='GetOpenFileNameW', Filter=filter, CustomFilter=customfilter, FilterIndex=0) print ('open file names:', repr(fname)) print(fname) with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as f: lst = list(csv.reader(f)) print("row length=",len(lst)) #basename = os.path.basename(fname) basename_without_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] make_weeks_data(lst,basename_without_ext) def post_main(): post_main_sub()
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